Thursday, June 16, 2005

Jesus: the only way, the Good Shepherd

Here is a commentary on verses 1-19. Please read Eddie C’s post for today’s discussion.

Jesus: the only way, the Good Shepherd

John 10: 1-19

Chapter 10 is a continuation of Jesus’ dialog with the Pharisees. It is important to remember that the Pharisees did not understand the mission of Jesus and/or the nature of their own sin. (ref. 9:39-41 & 10:6). Starting in chapter 10, Jesus teaches that a man who attempts to enter though the back door, is a thief. That is to say, if you attempt to gain salvation by any other way then by the way God has provided, you will not be accepted. The Pharisees thought, as do many world religions do today, that one could attain salvation by performing “good works”. Of course, we understand that this is not the message of the Gospel. Rather, Jesus made a way for us - the only way. Nothing you can do will allow you into the gates of heaven. Sorry, there is no backdoor.

Q: Why do you think people reject Jesus, but still try to be “good” to gain God’s approval?

In this chapter we also see that Jesus makes use of a number if “I am” statements:

v. 7, 9 I am the Door.
v. 11, 14 I am the Good Shepherd.
v. 30 I and the Father are One.
v. 38 I am in the Father.

We know Jesus is the Great “I am” (God incarnate) because he is and can and did. Only He is able to save us. Proof given: death and resurrection. Only He is the way.

Q: How has Jesus (God) shown you that “He is”?

Again, Jesus is the Good Shepherd. Without Him we are lost. And, we know His voice. In fact this Good Shepherd laid down His life for us.

We are not sheep lead to the slaughter, but rather sheep lead to the Father

Jesus is capable of laying His life down for us because He has demonstrated this in His sinnless life, brutal death and His glorious resurrection. And - He did it all without any help from us.

Q: Since Jesus laid His life down for us, how will you lay down you life for Him?


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