Thursday, November 03, 2005

Alone Under the Cross

"If you want to follow me, you must pick up your cross and carry it daily," Jesus said, or words to that effect. He picked his up and carried it, until he fell over from weakness brought on by beatings and deprivation. His was clear and he knew it was coming from the moment the world was made. He did it anyway, the bitter burden growing on his shoulders through the years of his life on Earth.

We all tote burdens through life. Jesus says elsewhere that the burden he imposes on us is light, his yoke easy, not like the heavy carven wood that binds oxen to carts. Our burdens are mostly self-chosen. The years go by and our psyches take on clutter like our garages, old stuff piling up. It's no wonder we get tired and falter.

Then Jesus comes along, and because he carried his cross all the way, he can pick up the clutter that binds us. So, what's the cross we have to carry? Like all the other aspects of following Jesus, probably not what we think.

We're all willing to pick up every burden out there but the real one. The real one has to do with a real relationship, fragile flesh and blood with God's Universe-spanning power. It's frightening for me to look at him every day and try to walk another step into what I know will be confusing, painful, and even bitter at times. Forcibly but gently shorn of old dreams, what else is there to live for? Jesus walked that desert utterly alone. I have his company, which is a good thing because otherwise I'd dry up and disappear.

The best thing to do is ask. Course and cross, Jesus will advise. It's simple in concept but the execution is often hair-raising. The Holy Spirit makes possible another day of boosting a cross along the way.


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