Thursday, March 31, 2005

John 5:1-18

Since Don will be out today, I’d thought I would post my homiletic on the healing at Bethesda.

So here it is:

Jesus, Healer, Lord of the Sabbath and God in the flesh oppose Jewish rulers.

* Jesus goes to where the sick are and heals on the Sabbath.
(v. 1-9)
* The Jews create opposition for healing on the Sabbath.
(v. 10-13)
* Jesus declares his Lordship of the Sabbath equating Himself with God.
(v. 14-18)

* Jesus seeks to heal the sick.
* The world is opposed to the work of God.
* The Lord is continually at work in us.

* What area are you willing to let the Lord heal you in and are you willing to allow him to work in you according to His will?

* In what ways can you (or the world) be opposed and/or hinder God’s work?

* How is God continually working in you?

Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Q&A of Tao of Salvation

Q: What do you do, each day, to stay in contact with your new father?

I love to pray and find quite time with God. When I get out of bed, one of the first things that I do is to thank God for the day. Before I leave to work, I lay hands on my wife and pray for her (while she is still sleeping). When I get on the bus or train, I close my eyes and continue to meditate on God. As I get closer to work, I will open my PDA and read God’s word

Q: Does your spirit feel renewed after you've done them?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you consider yourself an expert at following Jesus?

A: No. I would like to meet one if you know of one.

Q: How did you experience being born again?

A: I came to know the Lord just out of High School. My friend was contemplating suicide and asked me for advice. I told him to go to church the next morning. He came to know the Lord first and then began to pester me. After reading a book written by Josh McDowell, Evidence that Demands a Verdict, I read the 4 spiritual laws that the book had in one of the appendixes.

Q. What do you think "being born again" means?

A: Asking God for a “do-over”. Realizing that Jesus is the only means that our sins have been forgiven.

Q. Read Ragamuffin Diva's Blog entry. Do you agree with what she says?

A: Yes I agree on some level. Surrendering all to God is a powerful thing if you can achieve it. But, still in all, we all need salvation. And I must add, the only source is from Jesus and what He has done to build direct access to the Father.